Friday, March 27, 2009

Cheese the Ninth: Paneer

The Cheese: Paneer (Carroll, p. 91)
The Milk: 1/2 gallon Ralph's 2% (not organic)
The Coagulant: 1 tsp citric acid in 1/2 cup hot water

Paneer was my first cheese several months ago. This time I used citric acid instead of lemon juice. In the future I'll probably stick to the lemon juice, in the hopes it brings a little bit of flavor.

Because this cheese is acid-set, and doesn't have a bacterial culture introduced, I just used plain old drinking milk, although I did use 2% to make sure there was some milk fat. It turned out a little dry when eaten straight, so whole milk might be better next time. However, mixed in Saag Paneer it was fine.

Yield was 9.6 oz

Cheese the Eighth: French Style Cream Cheese

The Cheese: French Style Cream Cheese (Carroll p. 88)
The Milk: 2 cups heavy cream, 2 cups 365 brand organic whole milk.
The Starter: 1 packet mesophilic direct-set
The Rennet: 1 drop liquid rennet in 1/4 cup water

I had a request for cream cheese. I decided to try a different variety, and the French Style Cream Cheese seemed a nice option.

It's been a couple of weeks since I made it, but I don't recall any issues with the production.
Which is good, because it's a pretty simple process.

I didn't salt the cheese at all. I think it needs a little in the future, something like 1/8 tsp per pound.

Yield was around 19 oz.

Cheese the Seventh: Large Curd Cottage Cheese

The Cheese: Large Curd Cottage Cheese (Carroll p. 98)
The Milk: Trader Joe's Vitamin D (not the organic variety, not explicitly un-ultrapasturized)
The Starter: 1 packet direct-set
The Rennet: 1/4 tsp liquid rennet disolved in 1/4 cup water

It's been a few weeks since I tried this one. I need to work on my record keeping here.

When I poured off the whey through a mulsin lined-collander, everything poured through. What curds there were dissolved.

Either I killed the curds during the cooking stage, or the garden variety Trader Joe's milk doesn't cut it. Possibly both.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cheese the Sixth: Farmhouse Cheddar

The Cheese: Farmhouse Cheddar (Carroll p. 104)
The Milk: 1 gallon 365 whole milk (not organic, not explicitly non-ultrapasturized on the label)
The Starter: 1 packet direct set mesophilic
The Rennet: 3/8 tsp animal rennet

I needed the farmhouse cheddar practice after making Cheese the Fifth. In an attempt to get a better curdle, I added 1/4 tsp calcium chloride and a little bit more rennet.

The cheese went better up until the cooking phase, where I completely blew it. I was staring straight at the thermometer wondering if it would ever get from 94 to 96, when all of the sudden it jumped to 110. Yeow.

I had better luck with the press by wrapping the cheesecloth around the smaller can I use as a follower, but then I had a lof of trouble getting the cheese out. In fact I cracked the pressed cheese trying to get it out.

So, at this point I think it's going to take several more tries to get farmhouse cheddar down. I think I need to be even a little slower and more methodical than simply following the recipe from the Carroll book.

In the meantime, I'm going to make a soft cheese next week. I intend to alternate soft cheese one week and hard the next for the next couple of months.

I aged this one two days and then waxed it on March 1, 2009. I'll probably age this one three weeks as well and give it a try with Cheese the Fifth.

Cheese the Fifth: Farmhouse Cheddar

The Cheese: Farmhouse Cheddar (Carroll p. 104)
The Milk: 1 gallon 365 whole milk (not organic, not explicitly non-ultrapasturized on the label)
The Starter: 1 packet direct set mesophilic
The Rennet: 1/4 tsp animal rennet

Farmhouse Cheddar is the first hard cheese I attempted. That is 'hard' meaning texture. While Farmhouse Cheddar is an order of magnitude more difficult to make than anything I've tried to date, it is supposed to be one of the easiest of the hard cheese. Part of that may be that despite the name it isn't actually cheddared.

The first problem I ran into was that the recipe called for 2 gallons, but my pot turns out to have a capacity of only a little over 1.5 gallons. Of course, I didn't realize this until I bought the milk.
Fine. Cheese the Sixth will be Farmhouse Cheddar as well.

The second difficulty was in getting a clean break. I just wasn't sure the curds had set as well as they should. I was unsure about how I cut the curds, as well. I tried to cut them into regular cubes, but I'm not the greatest at cutting in straight lines.

That was a minor problem, but cooking the curds was more severe. The curds are supposed to go from 90 degrees to 100 degrees over a half hour period, with no more than a 2 degree increase over a five minute period. I think they went from 90 to 100 in a five minute period.
Not good.

I continued to have issues with the press as well. I'm still looking for a solution for the follower, or at least for something to keep the top of the cheese nice and neat.

After air drying it for 4 days, I waxed it on March 1, 2009. I'm only planning on aging it for 3 weeks.

March 27, 2009
I first tried it on March 21. It's definately sharp, and might be an acquired taste.
A few days later I put it on cheese burgers. It didn't melt on the grill like commercial cheddar, but it was still pretty good. I'd say it's similar to putting blue cheese on a burger.
It didn't melt in the microwave either, but lost it's shape and puffed up a bit.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cheese the Fourth: Queso Fresco

The Cheese: Queso Fresco (Carroll, p. 94)

The Milk: 1 gallon 365 Organic Vitamin D

The Starter: 1 packet direct set mesophilic

The Rennet: 1/8 tsp in 1/8 cup water

I'm finding it a little bit of a struggle to keep proper notes and to compose these entries in a timely matter. The newborn makes a convenient excuse, but mostly it is just me procrastinating.
I added a few new twists with the Queso Fresco. The first was to half the recipe, since we really don't need that much cheese around here. The second was to use the water bath to heat the milk rather than the stove. And the third was that this was my first cheese that used the press.

Sterilization was typical. I heated everything in the pot with some water for 5 minutes. I then transferred the pot to the sink, put the milk in the pot and filled the sink with warm water, which eventually raised the milk temperature to 90 degrees. I added the starter, and then misread how much rennet I should put in. I figured it out, but wound up wasting 45 minutes waiting for the cheese to set.

Even after getting the rennet right I never got a clean break. I pressed on anyway, and raised the temperature by adding more hot water to the sink, and letting the excess flow out. This method certainly wastes water.

I drained the off the whey, and poured the curds into a cheesecloth. The filled cheesecloth went into the press for 6 hours. I only used 30 lbs of pressure instead of the 35 lbs the recipe called for.

The top of the finished cheese out was oddly misshapen where the excess cheesecloth was. I should have put something flat on top of the curds and then wrapped the excess cheesecloth over it. Hopefully the coffee can lid I intend to use next time will work.

The ridges from the tomato can are obvious as well, but I consider that 'charming' and 'artisanal'

The cheese was actually pretty good, despite the rough appearance. I made quesadillas with it, and put a little bit more on some pinto beans. I'm not sure it really needed the pressing, since there are local taquerias that serve it with much looser curds.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Pressing Matter

As my cheeses get more complex, they will start to require a cheese press to make. I'm not opposed to buying a press, but that seems a little out of place with the 'do it yourself' nature of this cheese making endeavor. So, I set out to make a simple press.

I picked up a can of tomato juice and a hinge just for this project. The rest of the materials were scrap wood I had lying around, and whatever screws I happened to have. Oh, and dumbbells from my set. Materials cost me $5, and I got a free pitcher of tomato juice in the deal.

I cut a 60 inch length of 2x4 in half, and nailed one half sticking straight up out of a garishly painted piece of plywood I had lying around. The hinge went on about halfway up, and the other half of the 2x4 went on the end of the hinge to serve as an arm. I screwed a small piece of scrap to use as a foot 7 inches along the bottom of the arm, and then screwed in some screws 14 inches past that on the top, so I could rest a dumbbell up there to use as a weight.

I had already cleaned the tomato juice can, and a slightly smaller can that originally held whole tomatoes. The curds, wrapped in cheesecloth, go in the juice can, followed by the whole tomato can. A 10 inch length of wood nestles in the whole tomato can. This whole arrangement is positioned so the upper end of the length of wood rests against the foot on the arm of the press.

Envisioning that without a picture would be pretty hopeless. Here is the press in action, with a 15 lb dumbbell. The further the dumbbell is along the arm, the more pressure it creates.

The whole apparatus is pretty simple and crude, but it is good for a beginner. There are still a few refinements I could do, but it seems to get the job done.